Sunday, December 05, 2010

Hard Day's Night

Moving out is exhausting. When did I acquire so much stuff?

Less than 24 hours left in Samoa.

I could blog, but I can barely keep my eyes open. Going to sleep now.


Dustin said...

Have a safe flight!

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip home. I will miss reading this blog.

Faafetai tele lava

NiuZila said...

I agree with Anon. Your blog will be missed very much.

Soifua ia!

Jordan said...

I agree with comments above, thanks Matt for two years worth of awesome blogging!! I'm definitely going to miss reading you blogging from Samoa.

Have a safe flight Matt... :D Btw if by any chance you went out to VBar with some of the Peace Corps Volunteers and lost a camera, apparently they're advertising it on facebook. :P

Anonymous said...

Cheers mate , and have a safe journey home.Elena & Anthony

Anonymous said...

wow, this feels weird, I can't believe there won't be any more posts! (from Samoa at least) I'll be having withdrawals for a long time to come :) Thank you for recording your experiences so diligently Matt! Though i selfishly wish you blogged right up till the moment your plane leaves the tarmac, I accept that you deserve a rest in the end.
- Leone