Hi. I'm Matt.
I'm a Peace Corps Volunteer living in Samoa. I was sent here to teach computer studies at a secondary school in Apia, but this year I also teach English and Science. I live in the greater Apia area, which means I have somewhat regular access to dial-up Internet. Thus the blog.
I often refer to Group 81, so-named because we are the eighty-first group of Peace Corps volunteers to arrive in Samoa since the United States began sending volunteers in 1967.
Between college and the Peace Corps I worked at eCivis, a local-government consulting firm; I taught 6th grade math and science as part of the Oakland Teaching Fellows program; and I sold Internet advertising for CNET Networks.
In starting this blog, my goals were to update as frequently as possible and to include lots of pictures. I never blogged before I joined the Peace Corps, so I've been making this up as I go along. While the blog has been a means of keeping in touch with family and friends, everyone is invited to comment on posts.
You can email me here. Enjoy!
1 hour ago