We went exploring around Oahu today, mostly along the southeastern coast of the island. Behind each turn of the winding coastal road was another breathtaking vista, the ocean a thousand shades of blue, the water crashing against stark volcanic rock. We’d stop the car and wander down to the beach and watch the waves wash up along the beach. There was ooohing and ahhhing as we whipped out our cameras and iPhones to try and capture the splendor.
But I admit I don’t get so caught up in the overwhelming scenery the way I used to. As much as Peace Corps Volunteers kvetch about adjusting to life in Samoa, the natural beauty is undeniable. Taking the bus, lunching anywhere on Savai’i, doing just about anything outside of Apia, the beauty is so constant it gets to be a little difficult to be perpetually wowed.
I don’t mean to imply I don’t appreciate the beauty. On the contrary, I love it. And as much as the splendor of the South Pacific becomes an everyday thing, it’s a pretty fantastic thing to see every day. And the nice thing about seeing it with other people who don’t get to see it every day is it serves as a good reminder of how great things are here.
In fact as we were walking back to the car on the way up from one of the beaches today, I started to contemplate applying to the University of Hawaii for grad school. After all, the lower 48 are great, but why would anyone want to leave paradise?
Sorry to brag. I hope you’re well. Pictures below.

Koko Head on southeastern Oahu.

We hit up this view from one of the scenic lookout points along highway 61. Pretty great.

Kite surfers and wind surfers along Diamond Head this afternoon.
So nice to see you all...well almost all. You're the one missing from the family photo again! What's up with that? After a year and a half, they won't let you back in?
Miss you!
Hey Matthew, are you ever going to post again? I hope all is well in paradise (I'm not sure when you're returning home to Samoa so whatever paradise you're in, I hope it's happy)!
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