Friday, July 16, 2010

Odds and Ends Thursday 60

It’s the dog days of Term 2. Actually that’s not completely true. I actually feel fine school-wise. I’m not overworked or exhausted, and I’ve been keeping on top of work. And student morale is healthy and upbeat. It’s my staff that seems a little checked out. That photo I posted on Monday of the teachers covering their faces at Interval speaks volumes. It’s the middle of the term, 7 weeks in, 6 to go. It’s as good a time to hide behind a damp towel. Here are some other odds and ends from the week:
  • I watched the 3rd place game and the championship World Cup matches at Maengi’s last weekend, and I was unhappy with the results of both games. Lame.
  • I am the newly elected Sergeant at Arms for Rotaract Apia. Part of my duties includes telling a joke at the end of every meeting. This Wednesday was my first time up. Here it the joke I told (props to Vero for telling me this one 8 years ago):
      A traffic cop sees a man driving a car that is just full of penguins. So he pulls the man over. “Where are you going with all these penguins?” he asks. “You gotta take them to the zoo!” The driver shrugs, agrees, and takes off. The next day, the same cop is out there, and the same man drives by, once again, with a car full of penguins. So the cop pulls him over again. “Where are you going with all these penguins?!” he asks again. The man looks at the cop and says, “Well, yesterday we went to the zoo. Today we’re going to the movies.”
  • Vero’s observation about this joke that I still quote just about every time I tell it: “I like that joke because it never explains why the man had a car full of penguins in the first place.”
  • More odds and ends later tonight?
  • Maybe. The crackle is really bad tonight.
I hope you’re well. Pictures below.

The board after I taught my English class the meaning of Cat Stevens's "Moonshadow"

My year 13 Luuao sleeping in my class.

It's funny how students and staff show up with more advanced technology than I've ever seen. Today our school librarian asked me to help her print pictures off of her phone. I've never seen a Micro SD card until today. Are these all the rage in America now?

My school secretary could not take an ID photo she liked. I took her pictures 16 times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The school secretaru is vain