Dan, AJ, Jordan, and Casey riding back to Apia after our soccer game last night. We lost 1-0.

There was a big event at the Peace Corps office today where we purged a lot of the old books in the office's resource room.

Erica 80 and Koa sorting shelves.

Dan, Koa, Paul, and I went to see the new Tanoa Hotel on the site of the old Hotel Kitano. They're building this massive fale, which among other things will house the reception area. Interesting fact: they have no blueprint for this thing. The hotel management told them how big they wanted it to be and where they wanted it to go, and then the construction workers just started building.

The new pool area at the new Hotel Tanoa.

Blakey and me Thursday night.

Blakey's brother, Peter.

There's a new cafe, Roma's, in Palagi Alley. Apparently Dan Quayle is in charge of labeling.
Malo Matt
Ive seen my inlaws open & rebuild a grave using the same materials ,it looked like it belonged on a Sopranos set not out front of a fale.Unbog a ute by bouncing on the tailgate ,we have alot to lean in the west we should start with the Faa Samoa
That's how the British spell potatoe.
Very well written...luv it
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